Saturday, March 20, 2010

Bad economy in NYC = People want to rip you off

So my audition today turned out to be one of the common scams in the NYC entertainment community at the moment. A "Casting Director" calls you in for an audition and then says that your headshots aren't up to their standards and you need to meet with their photographer and use their resume service before they can send out your material. All for a fee, of course.

Blah blah blah. Complain complain. At least I didn't fall for it.

But it does make me tired.

Tomorrow I am going to see what meditation and karma is all about. While down in Chinatown I hope to get some dumplings Might pick up a year of the tiger good luck charm of some sort and see if Pearl River has my teacups in yet. I only have one and I've been waiting for over a year for them to get just a new shipment in.

I might even stroll through Soho to look window shop the spring clothing collections. I haven't bought anything in months and months. Shopping isn't fun without a paycheck.. But unfortunately I do need new shoes. The heating pipe on the floor in my closet melted the soles of two pairs of boots this winter.

I was thinking of playing my guitar and singing in the subway. I wonder if you need some kind of permit for that.

It's official, the 2nd Annual Easter/Oyster Potluck has been scheduled- April 4th @ 2ish. Maybe we'll have belgian waffles again if I can talk D & P into it. Maybe we'll have a shrimp boil.  Or maybe I'll make gumbo with my grandma's recipe.

Hoping that my local CSA will let me have a 1/2 or 1/3 share of a box of veggies this year. Waiting on a confirmation email from the farm.CSA shares are a great way to get my greenmarket veggies for less money now that I am unemployed.  The CSA box feeds 3 people and I am currently very single and my cat won't eat chard. Oh please, powers that be, let me have veggies June- November for 175 bucks. Please.

There is a gigantor party going on somewhere in my building right now. It sounds fun.

See y'all

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