Sunday, March 21, 2010

Sitting in the sunshine

Perfect weather again. 60s and sunny. Drinking coffee and contemplating going all the way downtown in a few hours for a lecture on Karma.

Meditating on the subject of meditation and the four principles of Buddhism. I need to do some research on the timeline of world religions.

Just as it is the job of a two year old child to dump out containers full of objects whenever they come across them, it must be the job of 9 year old boys to take sticks and smash things with them. The neighbor's child is currently smashing the downed fence in our back yard with a fallen tree limb taller than he. The sound of his destruction, though loud, cannot top the volume level of his mother screaming for him to stop from somewhere deep in their apartment. Moms are amazing that way.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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